Best Birthday Gift
11/12/2018 4.14pm Tues
My lil princess was born
Healthy 2.94kg girl.
She arrived 2 weeks earlier from the due date which was on my birthday.
We named her Zara Soffia.
My whole pregnancy journey, wasn’t smooth but wasn’t bad as I thought,
She came after almost 1 and half years of marriage, and it also surprised us,
I did not know I was pregnant, I felt extra energetic that day, I had full class and when I came home later at night, I tried on some clothes I just bought and looked in the mirror, and posed like I was pregnant, then it struck me that, my belly seem bigger, is it food in there or I gain some weight. Just to kill my curiosity, I run the pregnancy test. There was a blurred double line, so i dont keep my hope high, and went to sleep.
Next morning, I woke up early and just to check if it was true. So another test, and yes, much more clear double line. Showed it to my husband, but he was too sleepy to even realised what I showed him thou. As that day I was supposed to go to KL for some meeting, and I wanted to buy another brand of pregnancy test kit, I packed my own urine, just in case that was the only one showed the double line😂. So I bought few, and it showed I was pregnant almost 4-5 week already, Alhamdulillah. The next day we went to clinic to check and there it was, a lil bean in sac. It felt so unreal, knowing she was there, I was happy, scared, shock and unhappy too cuz Eki’s reaction is too numb. I dont know what happened to him, maybe he was in horror or worried😂. My morning sickness start after 7 weeks of pregnancy, I felt soooo tired, weary, I puke once in a while, but the tiredness is killing me, xlarat langsung nak bangun keluar rumah, not to mention, headaches at night, minyak yuyi smell so bad for me, I lose my appetite, lost almost 6kgs during the 1st trimester. So I stop going to lab and teaching. After Raya, I felt a lil better, got some energy, went to Kundasang, even went for a hike😂. Fuhh.
My biggest problem is that my HB is too low, sumbat la macam2 jenis makanan tambah darah, and makan ubat tambah darah sampai sembelit semua dah, my HB only getting better in 3rd trimester, hujung2 nak bersalin. Alhamdulillah the whole time, xde alahan teruk, no weird craving except I really freaking love teh ais mamak, nak ais banyak2, everyday if I must. Cuma dua benda je yang I teringin, tapi susah nak cari, mango ice cream daily fresh, dgn slurpee. Yarabbi kenapa mesin slurpee ni rosak je kat semua outlet, the one yg I dapat pun cair gila sebab mesin xfunction properly. Jadilah buat lepas tekak.
I got sick twice at 7 months and 36 weeks. Masa 7 bln lbh tu, I tetiba rase sakit perut sampai muntah air masa bangun pagi tu. I am shivering so bad and sampai sakit sendi2, kejap ok kejap tak sampai lah petang tu baru demam tinggi, tunggu eki balik then baru pergi kpj tp takde check apa2, just bagi ubat and rest. Esok pergi KK, check jantung baby, Alhamdulillah sihat, demam pun dah xde.
but, the fever I got at 36 weeks is so challenging, I was down with viral fever, bad flu, coughing. Siap pergi EPAU sbb takut baby ade apa2, tapi kene reject je sebab bukan nak bersalin katanya, suruh ke emergency je, berejam tunggu, emergency just check demam dan bagi ubat demam batuk semua tu je😂. Tapi still the following weeks, demam on off, berpeluh2, batuk semua, sampai rase sihat sendiri. Then next monday, pergi check up, doc cakap air ketuban kurang, terlalu kurang so teruslah kene pergi hospital untuk induce.
I didn't prepared anything, pakai la lawa2 pagi tu sebab ingat lepas check up nak pergi makan2, jalan2 beli barang dengan adik😂. Tapi ke hospital terus kita, so 10/12 admitted, dengan xready mental fizikal ye, masih xdpt process yang esok nak bersalin dah, blur kejap otak. Sampai tak lalu nak makan apa2. Tunggu lah eki balik, dia pun satu hal, nak tunggu habis office hour baru nak balik😂. Esok ye subuh2 eki dtg bawak mkanan, siap milo ais sbb kelaparan 😂, tapi tengah makan tetiba kene suh masuk ubat induce, dah la tak dapat tidur malam, lapar pulak, kene pulak induce pagi2, demam pun baru kebah, xsampai 30 minit induce, dah ade rase sakit contraction, hlg selera nak makan, minum air je, nurse dtg check jantung baby, tiba2 pulak tacky, and I had fever again. At instance straight to labour room, luckily I managed to smuggled 4 dates just in case I got no energy. The labour room was packed with the nurses, interns and doctors, kene masuk air 5 botol, 4 jenis antibiotik to reduce my fever in short time, sebab heartbeat baby sampai 190 semua dah, time kat sana, kene seluk, kene raba semua sampai rase macam buat lah apa2 asalkan baby ok. Almost kene emergency czer since heartbeat baby still high, tunggu last antibiotik habis, then the contraction kicked in, fuh, awal2 ok boleh tersenyum2, tapi jari eki habis kene pulas dah, slowly demam turun, jantung baby pun turun, so proceed normal deliveries, tak ku sangka sakit contraction tu gila punya😂, lagi pulak induce, nurse asyik cakap, curi nafas puan, kene kuat puan. I baru baik demam ni nak tarik nafas pun tercungap2, xsempat pun nak tarik nafas properly another contraction kicked in, macam putus nafas so terus jadi panik gila, tudung semua dah serabut alam. Nak jerit kene marah ngn nurse, nak epidural tak boleh, ubat tahan sakit pun mcm xde ape je, bagi gas, pun macam xde ape je, tahan almost 6 jam dalam LR, sampai 8cm, rase macam nak terkeluar sgt dah, kene marah sebab nurse cakp jangan teran, tapi bukan nak teran pun, memang dia yang nak keluar sendiri, sakit tu indescribable last2 terpush jugak la 8cm pun, dah macam cheerleader bila tetiba semua nurse dgn doc seramai2 dalam tu bersorak. 3 push Alhamdulillah cinonet ZS pun keluar, letak kejap je kat dada, habis iqamat terus kene amek nak bawak SCN utk monitor and masuk antibiotik takut baby kene infection. Habis bersalin, demam balik, lagi tinggi pulak, ha sambung la balik air dgn antibitoik kiri kanan tangan, kene jahit pun dah mamai macam ape, tak rase ape, tak tahu I mengarut apa time tu, siap nyanyi tengok hujan kat luar. Tau2 kene tinggal dalam LR sorang2, baru rase dahaga lapar, jam 7 naik wad, tunggu mak and eki dtg, tapi mak dpt dtg kejap je sebab waktu melawat dah nak habis, nasib eki belikan makanan, dapat la makan sikit before dia kene balik. Pastu tertidur sampai nurse kejut, suruh makan, and tukar baju. Esok ye bangun, baru rase sakit2 badan, tangan kebas, penat and sakit kene jahit😂. Nak bangun pun susah, tapi paksa je try. Eki dtg bawak nasi ngn lauk pantang, no more milo aisðŸ˜. Excited nak tengok baby, tapi xdapat, kene tunggu nurse hantar, sambil tunggu tu, baru la terasa, eh i am a mom now???, dah beranak, ya Allah terima kasihlah atas rezeki Mu ini. Masa tu sebak sangat. Rase syukur tak hengat. Then bila nurse tolak bawak jumpa baby, semua baby look alike, haha then baru la jumpa seketul ZS, baru dapat tengok dia betul2, tapi dapat usap2 je sebab tak larat nak dukung tangan dua2 still masuk air ngn ubat, then lama tu baru naik wad, doc check demam turun, darah ok, dia cakap ok u boleh balik. Cepat gilo haha. Rase macam nak duduk lagi sebab nurse baik kot, doc pun semua baik, guard je garang betul. Then tengahari tu, siap2, bawak eki jumpa baby, comel je muka, dua2 xtau macam mana nak angkat baby tu dgn pegang baby, macam xcaya dah jadi parent. So dapat la pegang ZS, sampai petang tu dah siap mandi semua, bayar itu ini, boleh la balik, tapi baby still kene stay lagi 3 hari kat wad. Sedih je balik baby xikut. Before balik singgah tengok baby, dok sayang2 peluk2, baby bangun, elok je nak balik dia pandang kita, alahai sedih ye rase, tinggal la dia kat wad. Balik tidor tak hengat, makan pun banyak, sampai berdengkur macam apa je, after effect bersalin,
I tak tahu la camne orang putih boleh lepas bersalin dia kuat, siap elok keluar cantik2 macam xde apa, especially Kate Middleton, 7 jam lepas bersalin elok je dia, I, 7 jam pas bersalin, dok tido lagi penat wehh😂. Plus, camne boleh orang mekap elok2 time nak bersalin tu, ambil gambar lepas bersalin senyum elok je😂, I look like a zombie, haha.salute lah. So after ulang alik 3 hari and my recovery is getting better by Friday dah lincah segar balik, walaupun tak la sesegar before bersalin tu, baby pun boleh keluar. Excited sungguh rasa, bermula la kami jadi zombie malam2 xcukup tidur hehe. Alhamdulillah membesar sihat la hendak ye anak dara sorang ni. Dah sebulan dah, still adapting, still discovering things, and many more. Bila ada anak, banyak berubah, dari pegang fon all the time, sampai tak tertengok fon, dari tidur lena ama2. Jadi tidur 2-3 jam je, masa utk diri sendiri pun makin kurang. Tak terkejar. Belum lagi nanti nak start balik lab dan mengajar, banyak lagi nak kene belajar. Alhamdulillah permulaan tahun 2019, the longest post after dah lama tak post apa2. May this year bring the best out of me
11/12/2018 4.14pm Tues
My lil princess was born
Healthy 2.94kg girl.
She arrived 2 weeks earlier from the due date which was on my birthday.
We named her Zara Soffia.
My whole pregnancy journey, wasn’t smooth but wasn’t bad as I thought,
She came after almost 1 and half years of marriage, and it also surprised us,
I did not know I was pregnant, I felt extra energetic that day, I had full class and when I came home later at night, I tried on some clothes I just bought and looked in the mirror, and posed like I was pregnant, then it struck me that, my belly seem bigger, is it food in there or I gain some weight. Just to kill my curiosity, I run the pregnancy test. There was a blurred double line, so i dont keep my hope high, and went to sleep.
Next morning, I woke up early and just to check if it was true. So another test, and yes, much more clear double line. Showed it to my husband, but he was too sleepy to even realised what I showed him thou. As that day I was supposed to go to KL for some meeting, and I wanted to buy another brand of pregnancy test kit, I packed my own urine, just in case that was the only one showed the double line😂. So I bought few, and it showed I was pregnant almost 4-5 week already, Alhamdulillah. The next day we went to clinic to check and there it was, a lil bean in sac. It felt so unreal, knowing she was there, I was happy, scared, shock and unhappy too cuz Eki’s reaction is too numb. I dont know what happened to him, maybe he was in horror or worried😂. My morning sickness start after 7 weeks of pregnancy, I felt soooo tired, weary, I puke once in a while, but the tiredness is killing me, xlarat langsung nak bangun keluar rumah, not to mention, headaches at night, minyak yuyi smell so bad for me, I lose my appetite, lost almost 6kgs during the 1st trimester. So I stop going to lab and teaching. After Raya, I felt a lil better, got some energy, went to Kundasang, even went for a hike😂. Fuhh.
My biggest problem is that my HB is too low, sumbat la macam2 jenis makanan tambah darah, and makan ubat tambah darah sampai sembelit semua dah, my HB only getting better in 3rd trimester, hujung2 nak bersalin. Alhamdulillah the whole time, xde alahan teruk, no weird craving except I really freaking love teh ais mamak, nak ais banyak2, everyday if I must. Cuma dua benda je yang I teringin, tapi susah nak cari, mango ice cream daily fresh, dgn slurpee. Yarabbi kenapa mesin slurpee ni rosak je kat semua outlet, the one yg I dapat pun cair gila sebab mesin xfunction properly. Jadilah buat lepas tekak.
I got sick twice at 7 months and 36 weeks. Masa 7 bln lbh tu, I tetiba rase sakit perut sampai muntah air masa bangun pagi tu. I am shivering so bad and sampai sakit sendi2, kejap ok kejap tak sampai lah petang tu baru demam tinggi, tunggu eki balik then baru pergi kpj tp takde check apa2, just bagi ubat and rest. Esok pergi KK, check jantung baby, Alhamdulillah sihat, demam pun dah xde.
but, the fever I got at 36 weeks is so challenging, I was down with viral fever, bad flu, coughing. Siap pergi EPAU sbb takut baby ade apa2, tapi kene reject je sebab bukan nak bersalin katanya, suruh ke emergency je, berejam tunggu, emergency just check demam dan bagi ubat demam batuk semua tu je😂. Tapi still the following weeks, demam on off, berpeluh2, batuk semua, sampai rase sihat sendiri. Then next monday, pergi check up, doc cakap air ketuban kurang, terlalu kurang so teruslah kene pergi hospital untuk induce.
I didn't prepared anything, pakai la lawa2 pagi tu sebab ingat lepas check up nak pergi makan2, jalan2 beli barang dengan adik😂. Tapi ke hospital terus kita, so 10/12 admitted, dengan xready mental fizikal ye, masih xdpt process yang esok nak bersalin dah, blur kejap otak. Sampai tak lalu nak makan apa2. Tunggu lah eki balik, dia pun satu hal, nak tunggu habis office hour baru nak balik😂. Esok ye subuh2 eki dtg bawak mkanan, siap milo ais sbb kelaparan 😂, tapi tengah makan tetiba kene suh masuk ubat induce, dah la tak dapat tidur malam, lapar pulak, kene pulak induce pagi2, demam pun baru kebah, xsampai 30 minit induce, dah ade rase sakit contraction, hlg selera nak makan, minum air je, nurse dtg check jantung baby, tiba2 pulak tacky, and I had fever again. At instance straight to labour room, luckily I managed to smuggled 4 dates just in case I got no energy. The labour room was packed with the nurses, interns and doctors, kene masuk air 5 botol, 4 jenis antibiotik to reduce my fever in short time, sebab heartbeat baby sampai 190 semua dah, time kat sana, kene seluk, kene raba semua sampai rase macam buat lah apa2 asalkan baby ok. Almost kene emergency czer since heartbeat baby still high, tunggu last antibiotik habis, then the contraction kicked in, fuh, awal2 ok boleh tersenyum2, tapi jari eki habis kene pulas dah, slowly demam turun, jantung baby pun turun, so proceed normal deliveries, tak ku sangka sakit contraction tu gila punya😂, lagi pulak induce, nurse asyik cakap, curi nafas puan, kene kuat puan. I baru baik demam ni nak tarik nafas pun tercungap2, xsempat pun nak tarik nafas properly another contraction kicked in, macam putus nafas so terus jadi panik gila, tudung semua dah serabut alam. Nak jerit kene marah ngn nurse, nak epidural tak boleh, ubat tahan sakit pun mcm xde ape je, bagi gas, pun macam xde ape je, tahan almost 6 jam dalam LR, sampai 8cm, rase macam nak terkeluar sgt dah, kene marah sebab nurse cakp jangan teran, tapi bukan nak teran pun, memang dia yang nak keluar sendiri, sakit tu indescribable last2 terpush jugak la 8cm pun, dah macam cheerleader bila tetiba semua nurse dgn doc seramai2 dalam tu bersorak. 3 push Alhamdulillah cinonet ZS pun keluar, letak kejap je kat dada, habis iqamat terus kene amek nak bawak SCN utk monitor and masuk antibiotik takut baby kene infection. Habis bersalin, demam balik, lagi tinggi pulak, ha sambung la balik air dgn antibitoik kiri kanan tangan, kene jahit pun dah mamai macam ape, tak rase ape, tak tahu I mengarut apa time tu, siap nyanyi tengok hujan kat luar. Tau2 kene tinggal dalam LR sorang2, baru rase dahaga lapar, jam 7 naik wad, tunggu mak and eki dtg, tapi mak dpt dtg kejap je sebab waktu melawat dah nak habis, nasib eki belikan makanan, dapat la makan sikit before dia kene balik. Pastu tertidur sampai nurse kejut, suruh makan, and tukar baju. Esok ye bangun, baru rase sakit2 badan, tangan kebas, penat and sakit kene jahit😂. Nak bangun pun susah, tapi paksa je try. Eki dtg bawak nasi ngn lauk pantang, no more milo aisðŸ˜. Excited nak tengok baby, tapi xdapat, kene tunggu nurse hantar, sambil tunggu tu, baru la terasa, eh i am a mom now???, dah beranak, ya Allah terima kasihlah atas rezeki Mu ini. Masa tu sebak sangat. Rase syukur tak hengat. Then bila nurse tolak bawak jumpa baby, semua baby look alike, haha then baru la jumpa seketul ZS, baru dapat tengok dia betul2, tapi dapat usap2 je sebab tak larat nak dukung tangan dua2 still masuk air ngn ubat, then lama tu baru naik wad, doc check demam turun, darah ok, dia cakap ok u boleh balik. Cepat gilo haha. Rase macam nak duduk lagi sebab nurse baik kot, doc pun semua baik, guard je garang betul. Then tengahari tu, siap2, bawak eki jumpa baby, comel je muka, dua2 xtau macam mana nak angkat baby tu dgn pegang baby, macam xcaya dah jadi parent. So dapat la pegang ZS, sampai petang tu dah siap mandi semua, bayar itu ini, boleh la balik, tapi baby still kene stay lagi 3 hari kat wad. Sedih je balik baby xikut. Before balik singgah tengok baby, dok sayang2 peluk2, baby bangun, elok je nak balik dia pandang kita, alahai sedih ye rase, tinggal la dia kat wad. Balik tidor tak hengat, makan pun banyak, sampai berdengkur macam apa je, after effect bersalin,
I tak tahu la camne orang putih boleh lepas bersalin dia kuat, siap elok keluar cantik2 macam xde apa, especially Kate Middleton, 7 jam lepas bersalin elok je dia, I, 7 jam pas bersalin, dok tido lagi penat wehh😂. Plus, camne boleh orang mekap elok2 time nak bersalin tu, ambil gambar lepas bersalin senyum elok je😂, I look like a zombie, haha.salute lah. So after ulang alik 3 hari and my recovery is getting better by Friday dah lincah segar balik, walaupun tak la sesegar before bersalin tu, baby pun boleh keluar. Excited sungguh rasa, bermula la kami jadi zombie malam2 xcukup tidur hehe. Alhamdulillah membesar sihat la hendak ye anak dara sorang ni. Dah sebulan dah, still adapting, still discovering things, and many more. Bila ada anak, banyak berubah, dari pegang fon all the time, sampai tak tertengok fon, dari tidur lena ama2. Jadi tidur 2-3 jam je, masa utk diri sendiri pun makin kurang. Tak terkejar. Belum lagi nanti nak start balik lab dan mengajar, banyak lagi nak kene belajar. Alhamdulillah permulaan tahun 2019, the longest post after dah lama tak post apa2. May this year bring the best out of me
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zara soffia day 4 |
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me at 37 weeks, just got better with fever |